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Meet The Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities, terms of appointment and a Register of Governor Interests in each Governor.

The Governing Body has three main roles:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

We do this by meeting twice a term as a full governing body; at the first we receive and examine a detailed report from the Headteacher and in the second each of our committees  report on how they have held the school to account.

In addition to these meetings and paperwork, governors visit the school to see it in action and offer their own professional or personal experience for the greater good of the school.

The day to day management of the school is delegated to the Headteacher and her staff.

Governors are unable to intervene in any individual school matter unless the Headteacher has been unable to satisfactorily resolve the matter of concern. Individual governors have no special authority; it is the governing body as a group which exercises its responsibilities.
Information about becoming a governor can be obtained from the Head Teacher or the Chair of Governors. An application from and details of becoming a governor can also be accessed via the link below.


September 2023

Governing Body

  • Mrs R.K. Ahluwalia –  Ex-offcio by virtue of office as Head Teacher/Principal
  • Mr. S. Parmar – Co-opted Governor – Chair
  • Mrs C. Shasha - Co-opted Governor
  • Ms. A. Elmi – Parent Governor
  • Mr. N. Bhagat – appointed by Local Authority
  • Rev. V. Thornborough – Co-opted Governor
  • Ms. K. Dhillon-Jandu – Parent Governor
  • Ms. M. Usman – Parent Governor
  • Mr. M Tamani – Parent Governor
  • Mrs S. Malik – Associate Member – Deputy Headteacher
  • Mrs. K. Cheema – Associate Member – Assistant Headteacher
  • Mrs. T. Ansari - Clerk to Governors

​Resources Committee

  • Sumit Parmar (Chair)
  • Niraj Bhajat
  • Vanessa Thornborough
  • Manjinder Tamani

Attainment Committee

  • Christine Shasha (Chair)
  • Kam Dhillon-Jandhu
  • Madiha Usman

Health and Safety Committee

  • Mr. M. Tamani

Performance Management

  • Sumit Parmar
  • Niraj Bhajat
  • Kam Dhillon-Jandhu


  • Chair of governors