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School Day

The school gates open each morning at 8.30 am. Parents remain with children until 8.45am, when children can be dropped off in class. Entry is via the playground.

Registration takes place at 8.55 am. 

Parents are encouraged to stay for Soft Start between 8.45am - 9.00am. Please check the allocated days below for each year group:

Nursery- Fridays

Reception- Mondays and Wednesdays

Years 1 and 2- Tuesdays and Thursdays

The school day finishes at 3.10pm and children can be collected from the classroom door. If someone else is collecting your child on your behalf, please ensure you have rung the school office and confirmed the pass code.

If your child is attending a club, please collect your child promptly at 4.00pm.

Breakfast club operates outside of these times from 8.00am. Please see further information here.

If you are arriving at school by car, please ensure your car is parked safely and legally on Carlyon Road.