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PE at Yeading Infant and Nursery School 


Our school's physical education curriculum aligns with the national curriculum's key objectives. We aim to equip our students with fundamental movement skills, fostering competence, confidence, and collaboration in activities that enhance agility, balance, and coordination. Our focus extends beyond the classroom, promoting sustained physical activity, both competitive and cooperative. Our ultimate intent is to inspire a lifelong commitment to being healthy, active living, ensuring our pupils lead well-rounded lives founded on fitness, teamwork, and resilience.


PE National Curriculum – Please click here for national curriculum

  • Real PE scheme of work for dance, gymnastics and games
  • We offer a wide range of after school and lunch time sports clubs

  • Girls only football club – Takes place for KS1 every Thursday lunchtime
  • South Hillingdon Schools Sports Network taster sessions which has included Taekwondo, Rugby, American football, Cricket, Squash, Dance

  • Sports day – children enjoy an annual sports day
  • Inter school events - Olympic festival organised by South Hillingdon Schools Sports Network
  • Balance bike lessons – We provide balance bike lessons for Nursery, Reception and Year 1.
  • Daily mile/Marathon Kids – Children go out for a run during the day for their physical and mental health. They receive a medal once they complete 26 miles (marathon distance).

  • Mini London Marathon – every year 50 students take part in a mile run in London finishing in front of Buckingham Palace.  It is organised by The London Marathon events team and takes place the day before the London Marathon.
  • Change for life sessions – We provide extra physical exercise sessions outside of PE lessons.
  • Walk/Cycle to school – We promote active lifestyles and encourage our families to walk/cycle or scoot to school.
  • Sports Ambassadors – Each class in KS1 has a Sports Ambassador who meet with the PE Lead teacher to have their say on PE at our school.  They also promote physical exercise at play and lunch times and encourage others to play games.

  • Sports for Champions – We invited Holly Mills, a Heptathlete for Team GB who gave a talk on becoming a sports champion and later facilitated a fitness circuit with all our classes.


Children leave Yeading Infant and Nursery School having a love for sport and physical activity both in and out of school, with this continuing into later life. Children will have worked on their own aspirations in relation to PE and this will be carried on after leaving KS1, with children continuing to participate for enjoyment or competitively. All children should be able to discuss the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how this can be achieved as well as develop skills that underpin life such as teamwork, sportsmanship, self-motivation, resilience and independence.

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