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Maths at Yeading Infant and Nursery School

At Yeading Infant and Nursery school we encourage children to enjoy Maths from an early age. It is our aim to provide a learning atmosphere which gives children the opportunity and confidence to discuss, investigate and develop a good understanding of Maths.

During the teaching of Maths, learning is focused on specific objectives. There is a balance of practical and written activities to develop and consolidate areas of learning and enable every child to reach their full potential and prepare them for life.

Parental Involvement

  • ‘Maths is Fun’ – one morning a week between 8.45 -9.00, parents are encouraged to join in the classroom to support the children with their Maths. The focus is on the objectives taught in the class during the week.
  • Parents of all year groups are invited to curriculum meetings where they are informed of the expectations in Maths. Information is given of the key objectives covered during the year.
  • Workshops are held for parents to share strategies of how they can support their child at home


Monitoring & Assessment

  • Maths learning walks are carried out every term in EYFS and KS1.
  • Monitoring of books is carried out once a term
  • Moderation of Maths happens in year groups and as a whole school during insets. Year 1 and 2 teachers also moderate together to ensure consistency across KS1.
  • Pupil Progress Meetings are held with the headteacher every term to track children’s progress and provide appropriate intervention
  • Planning is monitored by the SMT regularly


Early number concepts are part of everyday learning during the early years.

  • Some objectives include: children are able to count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20. They can add and subtract two single digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer.
  • Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, position, distance, time and money. Also, they recognise, create and describe patterns.
  • Parents are encouraged to support their child’s learning by playing games, asking the child to help with daily activities and encouraging the use of mathematical vocabulary- please check website for more information.


Key objectives include:

  • All children have a daily Maths lesson with clear learning objectives and success criteria. The guidelines in the National Curriculum are followed whereby every child receives quality maths teaching.
  • Weekly maths homework in KS1 is sent every Monday.
  • Computing is used to support the development of Maths skills. There are a number of programmes which children can access on the computers in their classroom including Computing games/ Espresso.
  • As much as possible, lessons are linked to cross curricular topics and everyday life.

The children in Year 1 and 2 follow the guidelines in the National Curriculum. It is divided into 4 areas across the key stages:

  • Using and applying mathematics
  • Number
  • Shape, space and time
  • Handling data